Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Portezuelo Black:

What you got?

Well the first alfajor I've went for is the Portezuelo Black with extra dulce de leche. The wrapping as the name implies is mainly black...perhaps they're aiming to make this the Milk Tray of the alfajor world. Otherwise it's standard wrapping with a picture of the treat looking all awesome and stuff

Does the look of it match up with the wrapping?

Not quite. The chocolate doesn't totally cover it with some dulce de leche showing through. Seems a bit squint as well. Slightly disappointing given the build up before opening. Breaking it in half reveals the biscuit element to be very soft. There is a generous amount of dulce de leche and overall seems to be a good balance between biscuit and filling.

The most important bit. The Taste?

Initially a bit bland, you find the dark chocolate and dulce de leche coming to you after every chew. The dulce de leche seems not 100% as you can feel individual sugar particles. By the time you have swallowed though it has made quite a pleasant impact despite there being a certain heaviness to it.

It's a decent alfajor which is solid but unspectacular. There are definitely better ones to have though so I'd go for it only if there were few alternatives.

A decent 6/10.

1 comment:

  1. As far as simple (not double or triple stacks, etc.) alfajores go, this one is my favorite for the extra dulce de leche.
